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Save up to 30 hours of development time
on your next Saas product

Get Django Saas is an open-source Django Rest Framework + Vue.js Saas boilerplate.

Check Get Django SaaS on Github

What's in Get Django Saas?

Pre-built features to save you time

Admin Dashboard

Manage your data and add new users using Django admin dashboard

User managment

Don't worry about login, signup, forgotten password or email invite pages. Get Django Saas handles it.

Email Integration

Send automated emails using Sendgrid. All you need to do is add your API key and you'll be off to the race.


Use Stripe or Paddle to get paid by your users.

Social Login

Allow your users to log in with Google, Twitter or GitHub.


Create teams according to your customers needs.

Docker support

Don't want to polute your environment with various dependencies? You can use Docker to both develop your app and deploy it on production.

Heroku support

Cutdown time to deploy by using Heroku. Get Django Saas is Heroku-friendly.